Jose Antonio Ochoa was born in Mexico City in 1990. Since a very young age, he has been interested in art, particularly in painting. In 2009, he obtained a scholarship that allowed him to realize his studies in art. In 2010, he travelled to Chicago (EEUU) to participate in a variety of courses at the American Academy of Art. In 2011 he moved to Sevilla to commence his degree in Fine Arts. It is there in the Andalucían capital where he received fundamental academic formation in Art. In 2013 he obtained a scholarship to study at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, graduating in Fine Arts two years later from that Faculty. Although his artistic focus centred on painting, he has recently started working in the realm of sculpting, working with different materials, such as rock, metal, resin, wood etc. He has presented a diverse set of expositions around the world, including in places such as Mexico City, Querétaro, Chicago, Sevilla, Valencia, Zaragoza, Logroño and Madrid. He has also been selected to participate in various artistic competitions, including the PB Portrait Award, the BMW Painting Prize, the Mainel Foundation Painting Prize and the Young Painter Prize of IberCaja, among others.
Currently, he holds art collections in Mexico, Canada, Israel, Nigeria, USA and Spain.